
Key publications

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The stability of the myelinating oligodendrocyte transcriptome is regulated by the nuclear lamina.

Pruvost M, Patzig J, Yattah C, Selcen I, Hernandez M, Park HJ, Moyon S, Liu S, Morioka MS, Shopland L, Al-Dalahmah O, Bendl J, Fullard JF, Roussos P, Goldman J, He Y, Dupree JL and Casaccia P.

Cell Reports, 2023.

  • Oligodendrocytes are specialized cells that insulate and support axons with their myelin membrane, allowing proper brain function. Here, we identify lamin A/C (LMNA/C) as essential for transcriptional and functional stability of myelinating oligodendrocytes. We show that LMNA/C levels increase with differentiation of progenitors and that loss of Lmna in differentiated oligodendrocytes profoundly alters their chromatin accessibility and transcriptional signature. Lmna deletion in myelinating glia is compatible with normal developmental myelination. However, altered chromatin accessibility is detected in fully differentiated oligodendrocytes together with increased expression of progenitor genes and decreased levels of lipid-related transcription factors and inner mitochondrial membrane transcripts. These changes are accompanied by altered brain metabolism, lower levels of myelin-related lipids, and altered mitochondrial structure in oligodendrocytes, thereby resulting in myelin thinning and the development of a progressively worsening motor phenotype. Overall, our data identify LMNA/C as essential for maintaining the transcriptional and functional stability of myelinating oligodendrocytes.

Neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells compete for remyelination in the corpus callosum.

Moyon S #, Holloman M, Salzer JL #.

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2023.

  • A major therapeutic goal in demyelinating diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, is to improve remyelination, thereby restoring effective axon conduction and preventing neurodegeneration. In the adult central nervous system (CNS), parenchymal oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (pOPCs) and, to a lesser extent, pre-existing oligodendrocytes (OLs) and oligodendrocytes generated from neural stem cells (NSCs) in the sub-ventricular zone (SVZ) are capable of forming new myelin sheaths. Due to their self-renewal capabilities and the ability of their progeny to migrate widely within the CNS, NSCs represent an additional source of remyelinating cells that may be targeted to supplement repair by pOPCs. However, in demyelinating disorders and disease models, the NSC contribution to myelin repair is modest and most evident in regions close to the SVZ. We hypothesized that NSC-derived cells may compete with OPCs to remyelinate the same axons, with pOPCs serving as the primary remyelinating cells due to their widespread distribution within the adult CNS, thereby limiting the contribution of NSC-progeny. Here, we have used a dual reporter, genetic fate mapping strategy, to characterize the contribution of pOPCs and NSC-derived OLs to remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination. We confirmed that, while pOPCs are the main remyelinating cells in the corpus callosum, NSC-derived cells are also activated and recruited to demyelinating lesions. Blocking pOPC differentiation genetically, resulted in a significant increase in the recruitment NSC-derived cells into the demyelinated corpus callosum and their differentiation into OLs. These results strongly suggest that pOPCs and NSC-progeny compete to repair white matter lesions. They underscore the potential significance of targeting NSCs to improve repair when the contribution of pOPCs is insufficient to affect full remyelination.

TET1-mediated DNA hydroxymethylation regulates adult remyelination in mice.

Moyon S #, Rebecca F, Marechal D, Huang D, Marshall-Phelps KLH, Kegel L, Bostrand SMK, Sadowski B, Jiang YH, Lyons DA, Mobius W, Casaccia P #.

Nature communications, 2021.

  • The mechanisms regulating myelin repair in the adult central nervous system (CNS) are unclear. Here, we identify DNA hydroxymethylation, catalyzed by the Ten-Eleven-Translocation (TET) enzyme TET1, as necessary for myelin repair in young adults and defective in old mice. Constitutive and inducible oligodendrocyte lineage-specific ablation of Tet1 (but not of Tet2), recapitulate this age-related decline in repair of demyelinated lesions. DNA hydroxymethylation and transcriptomic analyses identify TET1-target in adult oligodendrocytes, as genes regulating neuro-glial communication, including the solute carrier (Slc) gene family. Among them, we show that the expression levels of the Na+/K+/Cl− transporter, SLC12A2, are higher in Tet1 overexpressing cells and lower in old or Tet1 knockout. Both aged mice and Tet1 mutants also present inefficient myelin repair and axo-myelinic swellings. Zebrafish mutants for slc12a2b also display swellings of CNS myelinated axons. Our findings suggest that TET1 is required for adult myelin repair and regulation of the axon-myelin interface.

NDRG1 is enriched in myelinating oligodendrocytes and impacts myelin degradation in response to demyelination

Marechal D, Dansu DK, Castro K, Patzig J, Magri L, Inbar B, Gacias M, Moyon S #, Casaccia P #.

Glia, 2021.

  • The N-myc downstream regulated gene family member 1 (NDRG1) is a gene whose mutation results in peripheral neuropathy with central manifestations. While most of previous studies characterized NDRG1 role in Schwann cells, the detection of central nervous system symptoms and the identification of NDRG1 as a gene silenced in the white matter of multiple sclerosis brains raise the question regarding its role in oligodendrocytes. Here, we show that NDRG1 is enriched in oligodendrocytes and myelin preparations, and we characterize its expression using a novel reporter mouse (TgNdrg1-EGFP). We report NDRG1 expression during developmental myelination and during remyelination after cuprizone-induced demyelination of the adult corpus callosum. The transcriptome of Ndrg1-EGFP+ cells further supports the identification of late myelinating oligodendrocytes, characterized by expression of genes regulating lipid metabolism and bioenergetics. We also generate a lineage specific conditional knockout (Olig1cre/+ ;Ndrg1fl/fl ) line to study its function. Null mice develop normally, and despite similar numbers of progenitor cells as wild type, they have fewer mature oligodendrocytes and lower levels of myelin proteins than controls, thereby suggesting NDRG1 as important for the maintenance of late myelinating oligodendrocytes. In addition, when control and Ndrg1 null mice are subject to cuprizone-induced demyelination, we observe a higher degree of demyelination in the mutants. Together these data identify NDRG1 as an important molecule for adult myelinating oligodendrocytes, whose decreased levels in the normal appearing white matter of human MS brains may result in greater susceptibility of myelin to damage.

Multiscale network modeling of oligodendrocytes reveals molecular components of myelin dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease.

McKenzie AT , Moyon S *, Wang M, Katsyv I, Song WM, Zhou X, Dammer EB, Duong DM, Aaker J, Zhao Y, Beckmann N, Wang , Zhu J, Lah JJ, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Katsel P, Haroutunian V, Schadt EE, Popko B, Casaccia P, Zhang B.

Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2017.

  • Oligodendrocytes (OLs) and myelin are critical for normal brain function and have been implicated in neurodegeneration. Several lines of evidence including neuroimaging and neuropathological data suggest that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may be associated with dysmyelination and a breakdown of OL-axon communication. In order to understand this phenomenon on a molecular level, we systematically interrogated OLenriched gene networks constructed from large-scale genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data obtained from human AD postmortem brain samples. We then validated these networks using gene expression datasets generated from mice with ablation of major gene expression nodes identified in our AD dysregulated networks. The robust OL gene coexpression networks that we identified were highly enriched for genes associated with AD risk variants, such as BIN1 and demonstrated strong dysregulation in AD. We further corroborated the structure of the corresponding gene causal networks using datasets generated from the brain of mice with ablation of key network drivers, such as UGT8, CNP and PLP1, which were identified from human AD brain data. Further, we found that mice with genetic ablations of Cnp mimicked aspects of myelin and mitochondrial gene expression dysregulation seen in brain samples from patients with AD, including decreased protein expression of BIN1 and GOT2. This study provides a molecular blueprint of the dysregulation of gene expression networks of OL in AD and identifies key OL- and myelination-related genes and networks that are highly associated with AD.

Efficient remyelination requires DNA methylation.

Moyon S *, Ma D *, Huynh JL, Coutts DJC, Zhao C, Casaccia P, Franklin RJM.

eNeuro, 2017.

  • Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are the principal source of new myelin in the central nervous system. A better understanding of how they mature into myelin-forming cells is of high relevance for remyelination. It has recently been demonstrated that during developmental myelination, the DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), but not DNMT3A, is critical for regulating proliferation and differentiation of OPCs into myelinating oligodendrocytes (OLs). However, it remains to be determined whether DNA methylation is also critical for the differentiation of adult OPCs during remyelination. After lysolecithin-induced demyelination in the ventrolateral spinal cord white matter of adult mice of either sex, we detected increased levels of DNA methylation and higher expression levels of the DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A and lower levels of DNMT1 in differentiating adult OLs. To functionally assess the role of DNMT1 and DNMT3 in adult OPCs, we used mice with inducible and lineage-specific ablation of Dnmt3a and/or Dnmt1 (i.e., Plp-creER(t);Dnmt3a-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox;Dnmt3aflox). Upon lysolecithin injection in the spinal cord of these transgenic mice, we detected defective OPC
    differentiation and inefficient remyelination in the Dnmt3a null and Dnmt1/Dnmt3a null mice, but not in the Dnmt1 null mice. Taken together with previous results in the developing spinal cord, these data suggest an agedependent role of distinct DNA methyltransferases in the oligodendrocyte lineage, with a dominant role for DNMT1 in neonatal OPCs and for DNMT3A in adult OPCs.

Functional characterization of DNA methylation in the oligodendrocyte lineage.

Moyon S *, Huynh JL *, Dutta D, Zhang F, Ma D, Yoo S, Lawrence R, Wegner M, John GR, Emery B, Lubetzki C, Franklin RJM, Fan G, Zhu J, Dupree JL, Casaccia P.

Cell Reports, 2016.

  • Oligodendrocytes derive from progenitors (OPCs) through the interplay of epigenomic and transcriptional events. By integrating high-resolution methylomics, RNA-sequencing, and multiple transgenic lines, this study defines the role of DNMT1 in developmental myelination. We detected hypermethylation of genes related to cell cycle and neurogenesis during differentiation of OPCs, yet genetic ablation of Dnmt1 resulted in inefficient OPC expansion and severe hypomyelination associated with ataxia and tremors in mice. This phenotype was not caused by lineage switch or massive apoptosis but was characterized by a profound defect of differentiation
    associated with changes in exon-skipping and intron-retention splicing events and by the activation of an endoplasmic reticulum stress
    response. Therefore, loss of Dnmt1 in OPCs is not sufficient to induce a lineage switch but acts as an important determinant of the coordination between RNA splicing and protein synthesis necessary for myelin formation.

Demyelination causes adult CNS progenitors to revert to an immature state and express immune cues that support their migration.

Moyon S, Dubessy AL, Aigrot MS, Trotter M, Huang JK, Dauphinot L, Potier MC, Kerninon C, Melik Parsadaniantz S, Franklin RJM, Lubetzki C.

Journal of Neuroscience, 2015.

  • The declining efficiency of myelin regeneration in individuals with multiple sclerosis has stimulated a search for ways by which it might be therapeutically enhanced. Here we have used gene expression profiling on purified murine oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), the remyelinating cells of the adult CNS, to obtain a comprehensive picture of how they become activated after demyelination and how this enables them to contribute to remyelination. We find that adult OPCs have a transcriptome more similar to that of oligodendrocytes than to neonatal OPCs, but revert to a neonatal-like transcriptome when activated. Part of the activation response involves increased expression of two genes of the innate immune system, IL1  and CCL2, which enhance the mobilization of OPCs. Our results add a new dimension to the role of the innate immune system in CNS regeneration, revealing how OPCs themselves contribute to the postinjury inflammatory milieu by producing cytokines that directly enhance their repopulation of areas of demyelination and hence their ability to contribute to remyelination.