
Meet the lab members

Sarah Moyon, PhD

Chaire d’Excellence AMU-A*Midex

Dr. Sarah Moyon graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure (Ulm), obtaining a bachelor degree in cellular and molecular biology from Diderot University (Paris 7) and a master degree in neuroscience from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6). She joined the laboratory of Pr. Catherine Lubetzki (CRICM, Paris, France) for her PhD, where she addressed the age-dependent changes in the myelinating cells of the central nervous system: the oligodendroglial cells. From 2014 to 2019, she completed her post-doctoral training in the laboratory of Pr. Patrizia Casaccia (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and ASRC-CUNY, NYC, USA) to study epigenetic changes in oligodendrocytes during aging and after injury. Promoted research assistant professor (within the laboratory of Pr. James Salzer, NYU Langone Health, NYC), she started to pursue her own research interest: oligodendroglial cell biology, in aging and disease. Dr. Sarah Moyon has recently been recruited by Aix-Marseille University with a Chaire d’Excellence A*Midex, and opened her lab at the Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology on June, 1st, 2023.

Naz Şerifoğlu

LAB MANAGER - Research engineer

Naz Şerifoğlu graduated from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey), with a bachelor in molecular biology and genetics, and a master in neuroscience. She pursued her PhD in the lab of Dr. M. Godinho Ferreira (University Cote d’Azur, IRCAN, France), where she studied aging and senescence in zebrafish models. She joined our lab as a lab manager/research engineer in November 2023.

Marine Dos Santos

IE - Research engineer

Marine Dos Santos recently graduated from a neuroscience master at Aix-Marseille University (France). During her previous internships, she developed a strong expertise in tissue cultures, using murine and human models. She joined the team in January 2024 as a research engineer.

Lucile du Trieu, PhD


After a bachelor at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France) and a master at University of Montpellier (France), Dr. Lucile du Trieu joined the lab of Drs. Marin and Thouvenot for her PhD (Functional Genomic Institute, Montpellier, France). She studied immune biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis models. She started her post-doctoral fellowship in our lab in January 2024.

Nicolas Vermeersch


After following a undergraduate program at University Paris-Est (France) and Umeå University (Sweden), Nicolas Vermeersch joined an international Master in neurodegenerative disease (iMIND, Sorbonne University, Paris, France). He started his PhD in the lab in October 2023, in co-direction with Dr. Emmanuel Nivet (INP). He is sponsored by a BRAINNS grant from Novartis (2024).

Veronique Gagna


Veronique Gagna is the team administrator. She is in charge of human resources, budget management, ordering, and logistics.

Lab alumni

Oumaima Ghazzali


Carla Djian


Salma Laftimi