
Join us

We are always looking for motivated technicians, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to join our team. We are welcoming trainees and colleagues interested in discovering the wonderful world of glial cells, while bringing diverse perspectives and skill sets to our lab.

Post-doctoral fellows

We are always looking for post-doctoral fellows interesting in joining a new team and excited to work on oligodendroglial cells and/or aging and age-related diseases! Contact us by email.

Depending of the current funding in the lab, we can sponsor some fellows or support their applications for external fellowships.

Graduate/PhD students

We are accepting prospective PhD students applications (affiliation to AMU NeuroSchool, which is providing scholarship for international students). Contact us by email.

We are also offering rotations for master students in neuroscience and genomic programs.

Undergraduate students

We are accepting spontaneous applications for undergraduates looking for laboratory experience, especially with neurosciences or bioinformatics background.

Technicians / Engineers

We are always looking for technicians or engineers (with or without a permanent position) looking for challenges and interested in joining a new team! Contact us by email.